Strengthening Empathy

Glenn Hatcher
5 min readFeb 3, 2023
When we feel ignored and invisible, perhaps we can better understand others and not make them feel the same way.
Photo by Jon Tyson on Unsplash

“Nobody understands how I feel!”

Perhaps you’ve said that recently. Perhaps this morning. Unfortunately, it’s a common human experience. The feeling of being misunderstood or becoming invisible because no one acknowledges our feelings cause numerous problems and conflicts.

The best place to solve this problem is not by shouting louder or waving our arms and pointing to ourselves demanding attention, but in developing a better sense of empathy toward others.

Empathy is the ability to understand and share the feelings of others. It involves putting oneself in someone else’s shoes and imagining what they might be feeling in a particular situation. Empathy is a crucial aspect of human interaction and can greatly impact the way we connect with others and understand their experiences. Empathy is a learned behavior.

Brene Brown, a well-known American researcher and author on topics of vulnerability, courage, and shame, said in her TED Talk, “Empathy is feeling with people. It’s not just feeling for people. It’s feeling with them.” This distinction is important as empathy goes beyond simply feeling sorry for someone, but rather involves actively engaging with their emotions and experiences.

Empathy also requires a certain level of emotional intelligence and self-awareness. As Curt Thompson, a psychiatrist and…



Glenn Hatcher

…is a people development specialist. Currently living in Africa. Glenn is a leadership and entrepreneur coach and founder of Mediterranean Network for Business