If I Could Have My Time Again

Glenn Hatcher
2 min readAug 13, 2020

A group of elderly people were asked what they would do differently if they had their lives to live over again. They would have…

  • Taken more risks.
  • Spent more time thinking about their lives.
  • Done more things that would remain after they are gone.

They would have taken more risks!

Take the risk, or miss the opportunity

One of the greatest regrets in life can be those missed opportunities that we didn’t take or decisions that we didn’t make because of the risks involved. Let’s face it; most of us like living in the comfort zone. We often avoid risks because:

  • Risks are risky. For something to be counted as a risk there needs to be something of value at stake. For example, starting a business may end in financial disaster or asking someone out on a date may end in rejection or embarrassment. It is often the fear of loss that holds us back from taking risks.
  • Risks are unpredictable. Even when we have done our research, we never quite know how it will work out because often the results are out of our control.
  • Risks attract criticism. Can’t you just hear someone saying “Why leave a secure safe job to do that?” Although we should listen to the warnings of wise people, we…



Glenn Hatcher

…is a people development specialist. Currently living in Africa. Glenn is a leadership and entrepreneur coach and founder of Mediterranean Network for Business